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Triple J Crystals

Unakite tower

Unakite tower

Regular price $16.00
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Unakite is a type of granite composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, pistachio-green epidote, and clear or grey microcrystalline quartz.

Unakite is a rock, not a mineral.
Unakite forms through metamorphism, where granite undergoes chemical and physical changes due to intense heat and pressure over long periods. When subjected to extreme geological conditions, some of the minerals in granite change, particularly the feldspar.

The original pink feldspar, which is usually orthoclase or microcline, partially metamorphoses into epidote, which is a green mineral. However, not all of the feldspar is altered. Some of the original pink feldspar remains intact, contributing to the pinkish color of unakite. Quartz remains relatively unchanged and appears as translucent, greyish, or colorless sections within the stone.

Towers measure approx. 3.15" tall

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